Google Mobile Friendly Ranking Algorithm in a Nutshell (Infographic)

Google has once again made serious changes to its search engine algorithms and this time the focus is on mobile. As Google previously announced, implementation of these changes to the algorithms will make the search engine mechanisms start churning and looking at mobile-friendly factors as basis for ranking in mobile search results.

With these changes, mobile search users will now get better and higher quality search results showcasing mobile-friendly sites that are better optimized for their mobile devices.

On a Goggle+ hangout with Search Engine Land, Google confirmed that the algorithm will rank sites as either a mobile-friendly site or it is not – there are no in-betweens. What this means is that if your site is not mobile-friendly, your site’s ranking on mobile search results will definitely take a major hit.

People are now calling this roll out the Mobilegeddon in anticipation of this impact, but what this imply is website owners should start preparing and make their sites mobile-friendly.

And your first step in this regard starts now.
