Top 8 Surprising SEO Facts That You Should Know (Infographic)

seo facts

If you think you already know everything about SEO, think again. The truth is that SEO constantly changes. That\’s why if you are a business owner and you want your brand to be visible online, then you should pay attention to the latest happenings in the SEO industry.

The following 8 points presented by CJG Digital Marketing will show you surprising facts about SEO that you should know.

The infographic (click to zoom):

Top 8 Suprising SEO Facts That You Should Know

1. Majority of Online Transaction Starts with the Search Engine

Most probably, you are already aware that many people now are dependent on search engines, particularly Google. When someone is hungry, he is most likely to search for the nearest restaurant online and chances are, the ones that appear on the first page of the seach results are the ones he will consider visiting.

The same thing still happens these days, only that the percetage of people who do it has already increased. The number of Google searches has also climbed up to 10.3 billion every month.

In other words, almost everyone Googles something. No wonder, majority of the online experiences of people nowadays start with, well, the search engine. In fact, according to experts, 93 per cent of online experience start with the search engine. Whatever the search engine recommends, people take. Sure, another valid reason to become more eager when it comes to making Google happy with the stuff you post about your brand online.

2. It isn\’t just about keywords.

Gone are those days when all you have to do is stuff your content with as many keywords as possible. Apparently, Google has become smarter; it no longer buys anything simply on the basis of keyword density. Meaning to say, having too many keywords cluttered in one small article does not guarantee anything. Google is now using of a new algorithm that\’s called Hummingbird.

With Hummingbird, Google can already review posts semantically. The algorithm enables Google not just to look at each keyword as an independent entity but also to derive meaning from the sentences that are formed through the help of these keywords. In other words, it tries to evaluate the whole inquiry.

3. Go Beyond On-page

The saying “no man is an island” is not obsolete, even in the age of SEO. Contrary to what some think, SEO is not just about strengthening your online presence through the stuff you put in your own site. Instead, it is also about the things you do outside your site.

One way of doing that is via marketing your contents and linkable assets to the most targeted people as possible and get natural/organic links as a result.

4. Social Media No Longer Plays a Minor Role in this Game.

Have you ever wondered why, all of a sudden, big brands in the world have suddenly gone crazy over their social media accounts? Everywhere, you see the iconic Facebook “Like” buttons on marketing collaterals, along with some unique hasgtags. Aren\’t you wondering? If not, then you may be missing a lot of things already.

In case you haven\’t heard of it yet—social media has already become a superstar in the world of SEO. Many people faithfully devote their time to it, making it an effective means of reaching a target market and drive social media engagements and signals.

Studies from Quicksprout and Search Metrics proved that social signals can have a huge impact in your search engine ranking. So start using social media today to connect with your audience and boost your SEO campaign.

5. People Have Already Become Smarter

If you have been obsessing on simply landing on the first page of search results for the longest time, then you might be in danger. Remember, SEO is not just about bringing your site or brand on the first page of the results; it is also about making sure that you site\’s position on the SERPS is worth it.

This is because people have become more clever now; you can no longer fool them with your empty promises clad in your rich keywords. Once they realize that they are not getting what they really need, they simply modify the keywords and look for better results. In fact, over 40 per cent of internet users simply change their keywords when they cannot seem to find what they are looking for on the first page of the search results.

Meaning to say, there is no use cheating. People will surely know when you are simply manipulating things.

6. Google Is also Getting Smarter Each Day

Do you still remember the story about the Panda, the Penguin and the Humming bird?

Just like how Google\’s algorithm evolves from one form to another, it is also getting more intelligent. This means that it does not stop looking for means to yield the most appropriate, if not the best, search results and get rid of those which are not really relevant to the search.

No wonder, it came up with Hummingbird which, like what was mentioned earlier, works through the power of semantic SEO. Truly, things have changed since then.

7. Invest In Quality Content

 effective vs difficulty SEO

The blogging gurus were never wrong when they once said, “content is king.” With the abundance of content that do not even make sense online, it is really easy to distinguish the ones that are carefully created to communicate meaning from those which are simply lost in a sea of keywords.

Online marketing is not just about being searchable, like what was emphasized earlier. Sociability also counts, as well as the ability to build strong relationship with others. However, how can you do all of these if you do not have quality and compelling content? Who would believe you in the first place?

No wonder, even online marketers believe in the power of great content. In truth, in a worldwide survey done by Ascend2, 57 per cent of the online marketers voted that the creation of content is still the best SEO strategy.

Keep in mind, people know better now and they do deserve more. Give them what they are looking for.

8. You Are Not Alone In this. 

Now that you are already enlightened, what\’s next?

The answer is simple: start moving. Besides the fact that SEO changes each time (it does, in fact, change right at the moment), it is also worth noting the fact that you are not alone in this game. Yes, other business owners (your competitors) are reading and learning, too.

So if you are really serious about making your brand more noticeable and appealable online, then you should start doing something. If you want best results, ask the experts.